
Life can be challenging. On top of the daily stressors that come with our fast paced society, we are sometimes faced with unexpected or difficult changes in relationships, health, career, and finances, among others. Many people feel worried about the future or ruminate on past events.

Unfortunately, the stressors of life are unlikely to go away; it's part of the human experience to face change, illness, loss, fear, disappointment, frustration, and anger. While we can't make these challenges disappear, we can learn to relate to them in a new way; one that allows for acceptance, compassion, and appreciation for the present moment.

As a Licensed Mental Health Counselor and Dance/Movement Therapist, I know that the challenges we experience don’t just live in the mind, but are also felt in the body. I believe that we can elicit change in our lives not just through cognition, or our thought processes, but also on a somatic level. Cascade Counseling & Wellness blends traditional talk therapy theories with the creative arts and contemplative practices to support individuals and clinicians to increase awareness of habitual thoughts and behaviors, to promote neuroplasticity, to reduce nervous system arousal, and to feel and explore emotion while connecting to our ancient roots of expression through the arts.

For more information regarding Cascade Counseling & Wellness’ offerings for psychotherapy or supervision, please see the Services page.